Shazzam's Blog

Is just a little shazzam.

Thursday 9 September 2010

AS Levels have begun

Wow, I have just begun my journey in optional education. For some reason (probably vanity) I have chosen to carry on with learning and churning out exams and good grades (told you I was vain). I’m excited for all the homework that I’m going to get so that I can work really hard and have sleepless nights and have to draft coursework and read textbooks and drink coffee and oh boy, oh boy... it’s just so brilliant. Okay, obviously I am joking. What am I doing this very minute? Playing escape games on a gaming website. What will I be doing in another hour? The same thing.

Maybe I can write this blog about escapism? Trying to escape from a life full of work and having to do things you’d rather not do because you’d rather play stupid games on the internet. But no, this post isn’t intended to have a meaning or a moral or a message. I’m literally writing to practise writing at the moment and far too sleepy to attempt anything with any intellectual effort required. But let’s try and make this at least a couple hundred words shall we?

So what’s happening in Sixth Form, Shazzam? What’s new is the amount of time it takes to get from my Sixth Form building to the rest of the school. It’s no surprise that no one has a clue what time lessons begin because you’re just too busy walking and getting late to them. The process has given me a newfound respect for all the grumpy Sixth Formers I ever came across during my younger years – I have now become one of them.

It’s not just walking that makes Sixth Formers grumpy though. The subjects that we thought we loved coming back and biting us in the butt is also a huge factor of our crankiness. Who knew you had to do calculate for Maths? Who knew you had to draw for Art? Who knew you had to read for English? You’d think they’d tell you these things.

Nah, I love my subjects and am having a great time studying them. We are currently in the transitional period where teachers aren’t sure how much work to give you to ease in (answer: everything you would normally – I’m not a person who likes to ‘ease’.) We know that a lot of work is approaching and it’s approaching fast but we are still standing, shaking in the eye of the storm as the papers and text books whirl around in a hurricane, getting closer and closer to our school bags...

And ouch are our school bags heavy!


Actually, I think this piece demonstrates escapism quite heavily. I should be working, but I'm escaping by writing my thoughts on a blog. 

Okay this only took me about 20 minutes to write so I really don't have an excuse to not write more. Inspire me, invisible people who I'll pretend are reading this! Also, if anyone is wondering, my GCSE results went surprisingly well - no retakes (not even in Maths)!