Shazzam's Blog

Is just a little shazzam.

Friday 4 June 2010


‘Do not worry about your problems with mathematics; I assure you mine are far greater.’ 
– Albert Einstein.

This quotation from the genius of the 20th century may make you smile, but for me – whether or not this was Einstein’s aim – they place an immense coat of relief around my shoulders. Thank. God. Maths has rained and stormed over my head since the age of nine when we began our epic war of transcendental proportions. You scientists and mathematicians can have this subject, take it away from me – I honestly don’t mind.

You may be wondering why I am expressing distaste for an academic subject which has so much practical (not for me thanks) use in the modern world especially since my favourite subject is English Literature, a sometimes unpopular (as if!) subject due to its difficulty just as Maths is. But here is the crux of the matter: next Monday, yes this coming Monday, Monday 7th June 2010, I have the exam that I have dreaded all my life, the culmination of all my academic fears, the reason behind the headaches and tears: Maths GCSE. Okay, for you mathematicians and numerical whizzes, you could argue that Maths at GSCE level is easy but, being a GCSE student who is taking eight other GCSEs also, I feel that I am qualified in saying that no, it’s not.

I will put my hands up and admit that, at least, it is what O level students will call a ‘proper’ exam. Some of the other subjects I take do not reflect what is taught at A level and can be passed with a lot of memorising (I’m looking at you Science). However, Maths is one of those subjects where I would love to see a ‘dumbing down’ occur. Edexcel if you are listening, here is some feedback: make it easier!

But I must sigh and put my hands up: I am exaggerating. Anyone who knows me and reads this will wonder why I’m prattling on about the difficulty of Maths when I myself am in the top set for this nuisance of a subject. Let me clear things up: I was put in Set 1 at the age of eleven where I could memorise formulas as well as I can now. The difference is that, whilst in Year 7 where memorising formulas was fine and dandy, in Year 11 it means nothing (we even get formulas at the front so that we don’t have to memorise them!). Applying these formulas and unpicking what the questions are actually asking me is where the trouble lies. And if I can’t get into the geometric brains of the people who write these exams I can’t A* it (Set 1 are expected A*s).

Anyway, a little rant there and, as pretentious as you may find it, I needed to let it out. What I’m really saying is wish me lots and lots of luck! And hope everything goes well for others who also have exams. See you on the other side when I will be free of inequalities, equations and quadratics - forever (hopefully).


Wow I really ought to update more but I am a busy bee with lots of Maths to do! Ah I can't leave the blog at that because I feel guilty (massive eye roll here). Maths is a great subject and I truly have a massive amount of respect for people who can do it and are good at it. I'm just bitter because I'm bad at it - just a sore loser obviously.
Well, until the next time I remember to blog! Laters!